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At Apex we have developed a truly unique programme that combines an outstanding academic curriculum with world-leading ski coaching and performance training. By placing as much significance on learning and performance as the skiing itself, we believe we are better placed to prepare our athletes for success both on and off the slopes. We currently offer three types of programme:
Development Programme: This is a stepping stone into the Youth Programme and is designed for athletes in the U12 category. Athletes 28 weeks of the year with Apex and receive all the same benefits from our Learn, Train and Perform programmes as those on the Youth Programme. The programme runs from mid-December to the end of the season in April, with a fun-packed physical camp in the Summer at Apex. Youth Programme: Our Youth Programme is designed for athletes in the U14 and U16 categories. The programme kicks off with a physical and ski training camp in Tignes and on the Val d’Isere glacier every summer. The U16s then return to the academy in September to begin their year at the academy. For U14s, the main body of the training takes places from November to April where the athletes reside in the Apex Academy. In total, the U14 atletes spend 28 weeks at the academy while U16s are at Apex for 40 weeks per year. All athletes benefit from our ability to train and compete in the local/regional French pathway, giving them the opportunity to succeed on the international stage. FIS Programme: FIS is the toughest and most demanding Apex programme. We combine the athletes’ Learn, Train and Perform programme with their demanding race circuit. This provides a minimum of 50 on snow training days from June to November and a comprehensive race schedule of 35 races from December to April. Apex athletes take their education into their own hands and study programmes from the International Baccalaureate, CNED or USPA. This ensures they succeed academically alongside their pursuit of an international ski racing career. PG Programme: The PG Programme aims to develop third and fourth year FIS athletes into their national teams. Our annual programme focuses on racing internationally while encouraging athletes to get university credits and develop their overall athletic performance. Athletes can race in both Europe and the NorAm Cup with the programme running between the 1st May and the 15th April.
Take a worldly-approach to education, don’t be afraid to have setbacks and enjoy your point of view being challenged
Don’t just take what is presented as given, dig deeper into conversations or new topics to develop mastery of the subject
Self-regulate your work and take initiative to get the job done
Pin-point your own learning objectives and follow them through
Have a will to succeed and achieve in everything you do which is fuelled by yourself
Share thoughts, processes and ideas with other students and teachers to create deeper, longer-lasting understanding of concepts
"The world's only international ski academy, that is also an accredited International Baccalaureate (IB) world school, as well as IGCSEs, American and French pathways."
Blended curriculum
an enriched and flexible learning environment; lessons are delivered face to face and online to offer maximum flexibility, and every session is tailored to each individual’s strengths and needs. Our high teacher to athlete ratio means that athletes not only maintain their usual academic standard but often make vast progress beyond it.
International Learning
We adopt an internationally minded approach, in which athletes are offered the opportunity to study in both French and English. We value intellectual curiosity, self-reflection and open-mindedness, and foster a passion for learning through our team of highly dedicated and fully qualified teachers. Our team, alongside our purpose built classrooms and science labs ensure that athletes are fully equipped for academic success across a full range of subjects.
Connected Schools
During the Youth Programme, athletes maintain strong academic links with home by spending sections of the year back in their own Host school. During FIS, athletes will attend Apex full-time, following the International Baccalaureate (IB), specifically chosen to support international students for a career in competition and life after sport.
International Baccalaureate
Apex2100 International Ski Academy is an International Baccalaureate (IB) world school and is accredited by the World Academy of Sport, in collaboration with the IB as an Athlete Friendly Education Centre (AFEC).

Apex Training
The Apex Train programme focuses on three key areas. Adaptability, long-term development and creating an environment where athletes can learn through their successes and failures. We have identified the seven basics of ski racing that we learn in our 3D process: Discover, distil and do. This is done in multiple training environments and conditions, with expert feedback. Our coaches focus on the learning process and encourage freedom of expression and individual creativity.
Our Ambition
Developing and creating future ski champions is the core of Apex. During an athlete’s time with us, they are surrounded by a highly dedicated and professional coaching team, great training facilities and a unique approach to individual development. Our coaches come from across the world with a range of experience including racing at the World Cup & Olympic Games to coaching internationally renowned athletes. Our ambition is to be the best so we maximise each athlete’s potential and develop their knowledge. Offering an enjoyable, challenging
and engaging ski programme, we share our winning culture with athletes from all around the world.
Working in partnerships
We are proud to be the first official “FIS Development Programme Academy Partner". We work closely with FIS to share knowledge and best practice on development programmes for athletes in winter sports. Apex builds partnerships with key local and global stakeholders. We are extremely proud to be affiliated with the Fédération Française de Ski, the Comité de Ski de Savoie and and we have a strong local partnership with Club des Sports de Tignes. These vital links provide our skiers with the best opportunity to compete and succeed on the international stage.

Develop understanding and cognitive strategies to assist with performance.
Exploring creative multi-skills to enhance powers of balance, coordination and rhythm.
Learn how to stay safe and healthy in a digital world.
Grasp and adopt the core drivers of being and staying healthy.
Manage and maximise sleeping habits and routines.
Understand how to get the most out of what you eat and drink.
Develop the broader life skills needed for all-round success.
Improve physical performance and fitness.
Preparation is everything
The Apex Perform programme teaches athletes practical skills to help them execute better under pressure in the classroom and on the slopes. We have ten hand-picked, world-class experts who deliver modules covering eight areas of performance. These are the core building blocks that allow young people to perform at their best. Athletes discover the programme with a mixture of enquiry-led online content and practical education sessions with our experts and champions.
World Leading Innovators
We have recruited a number of hand-picked, world-class experts who deliver modules covering Nutrition, Athletic Development, Serious Fun, Visual Intelligence, Brain Fitness, Sleep & Recovery, Digital Dexterity, Health Management, Life Skills & Inclusion Works. These are the core building blocks that allow young people to perform at their best. Our experts have experience at the highest level of performance sport and business. They have worked with teams including NASA, Mercedes F1, New Zealand Rugby, Land Rover and Chelsea Football Club.
Athletic Development
At Apex we believe that to be an alpine skier, you must to be an all-round athlete. Therefore, we focus on long-term development. Our training is based on skill acquisition & development, injury prevention, core strength training, prehab programs, yoga and mobility. Learning movement patterns and techniques gives athletes a strong foundation to prepare them for increased load as they develop. When athletes join Apex they are screened in endurance, strength, agility, mobility, balance and functional movement. This alllows us to individualise their programme according to their stage of maturity, track progression, develop prehab programs and set individual long-term and short-term goals.








HOUSE& Wellbeing
The House and Wellbeing team supports athletes to become the best version of themselves in a friendly and vibrant community in which each individual feels valued. Our care hinges on the excellent working relationships established between staff and athletes, which ensures everyone is encouraged and known, thus building a sense of belonging at Apex. The House and Wellbeing team bridges the pillars of Learn, Train and Perform to ensure athletes are well equipped to tackle the challenges placed in front of them.
Our dedicated live-in Houseparents for FIS, Youth and U12 athletes are supported by 2 Boarding assistants and the Head of House and Well-Being, ensuring athletes have access to support 24 hours a day. Each athlete has also a dedicated Pod Tutor who checks in regularly and liaises with parents to keep them up to date with academic matters.